What its all about?!?!?!

Ok so your wondering what I'm up to eh.
Well this is a list of all the random kind things I've done for people, I'm going to try and do at least one but hopefully more each day for the foreseeable future. The idea of writing this down is twofold, firstly I hope that it will encourage some of you to do something similar on a regular basis, and secondly it will be a record of some of the things I've done along my life starting on the 9th January 2010.
Peace n Love.....

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Monday, 10 January 2011

Monday Jan 10th 2011

So today started off a little slow seeing as I slept in till 9, up n at em tho.
My usual bus stop I noticed that I do this everyday, I let everyone on the bus before me, but today I let everyone off before me aswell, greeted with smiles and thanks all round.
I walked up to Nero's for my morning coffee and noticed one of the passangers I'd let of infront of me was now behind me a few paces carrying his guitar, so I did the only thing I could I held the door open for him, to which he smiled a big smile and said thank you.
After work I decided to do a flower mission for today and went to the closes flowershop I could find "Flowers By Maxwell" just off George street, I explained my mission for the day and after a nice chat with Thomas Maxwell he gave me a lovely bunch of tulips for free for my cause, I was surprised and delighted by this unexpected act of kindness from a stranger and thanked him kindly before setting off with my first bunch. walking along I was unsure as to who to give them to untill I popped into McCalls on Hanover st, where a lovely older lady served me with a smile after seeing me with the flowers, she was the target, and from the reaction her day was better for them, this felt good, addictive almost. Off I headed along Rose street and I noticed Jenners flower shop, I thought I'd try my luck and after explaining what I was doing a lovely polish gentleman by the name of Marcus gave me around £30's worth of flowers for £5. This one was too easy I gave them to a charity collector named Johnny who was collecting for the red cross with the instruction to give them to a random person who needed them (he will hopefully email me in due course to give me his field report of who got the flowers, he seemed really excited and happy to be a part of this). Incidentally I had first tried to give them to an old lady who looked flattered but refused, I bid her fairwell. Off to sainsburys and 3 bunches for £7.99 were bought, one roses and two tulips. I chatted to the clerk, a lovely young lady about what I was up to, gotta say she had a cute smile. I was off, I walked over to Multrees walk. As I neared the front of harvey nicks I saw a lady bump into one of two young women walking the other way, she had just chosen the next target for me. I made a remark about manners and offered her a bunch of flowers to make it better, she smiled so wide, cute. I said my goodbyes and went on my way walking away to the sound of the two of them laughing and chatting about what I'd done, that felt good.
Walking along I spotted a lady pushing her child in a pram with a scowl on her face, She got a bunch of tulips and a smile to go home with. I walked down through John Lewis and out to the omni where I stood holding the door open for people for about 3 or 4 minutes till one girl walked by looking sad and to be honest a bit shocked at me holding the door open so I gave her the roses, she was asking me "why", my reply "for your smile" which I got. Off down the walk I went and to the little florist Garlands off elm row, where I again explained my story and what I was up to along with my successes so far and the flowers given to me, to which the lovely Gillian and Pamela (I hope I have their names right) gave me three bunches of white flowers (god knows what kind they were, cute little flowers though) I was walking down from there wondering who would get the next bunch when I saw a couple of mates in tesco, I followed them in and after pleasantries explained what I was up to, after some discussion we tried to give my mate Sam some as she has just hurt herself again but she didnt answer so I'm afraid I had to send her a virtual flowers on facebook. I carried on my quest, walking down the road I noticed the girl in the polish shop just past pracillas catch my eye so I want back and gave her a bunch, her face lit up with another nice smile and she thanked me before I left on my way. next I was walking down the street behind a red haired lady who as I passed was looking a bit glum so I simply held my hand out with a bunch in front of her, she smiled and we had a brief conversation about random acts before I bid my fair well and carried on with one bunch left. This one was for the lady in the Majestic Wine Warehouse at the foot of the walk, she's always in that massive shop alone so I went in and asked "I wonder if you could help me" then I paused for a few second and completed my sentence "by taking these flowers" she smiled and asked me why, so I again explained what I was up to and how I had noticed her a few times on her own in the massive shop, she smiled and thanked me before I left.
All in, a good day in my opinion :)


  1. Hey Rowan,
    It's going to become addictive reading your blog in the morning with my coffee so I sure hope you keep it up!
    If you're looking for some more ideas on acts of random kindness here are a couple:
    Go round to delis at the end of the day to see if they'll give you their pastries and/or rolls. I know that Embo on Haddington Place always throws out their pastries and rolls at the end of the day so I'm sure that if you explain to them what you're doing they'll be happy to give them to you.
    Also you could make up your own fortune cookies and hand them out to folk.
    If I have anymore inspiration I'll let you know.

  2. It's this kind of work that causes huge ripple effects in society: the deed is in the reward as they say! Some people will not take flowers and that's just the way it is: usually this is because they're not used to it or don't have the conversation skills to react properly! I find a little friendly persistence often goes a long way though! keep it up! http://www.yourcharismacoach.com :)
